Arthur's Column

Last Week in London

Week ending 2nd July 1995.
Yesterday was the finals of the Henley Royal Regatta. Henley is to rowing what Wimbledon is to tennis. To get as far as the start line in the preliminaries is an achievement, and to progress to the finals an honour.

The place to be in Henley is the Stewards' Enclosure. Tickets are hard to find, and expensive, but it does have an excellent view of the finish, and of course one should be seen in the right places ...

Henley is held on a 2km stretch of the Thames near (you guessed it) Henley. You brave the traffic jams for hours to eventually wind down the narrow lanes to the riverside. Farmers open their fields and collect money at the gates. Prices range from ú5 (if you are far from the river bank) to the ú15 that I paid for a car space next to the river. This was essential for me so the Eagle could sleep in the car!

Having parked we laid out the picnic stuff on a stretch of river bank, thus laying claim to the space. This is quite important, as when the hordes arrive the bank becomes very crowded. The activity on the river ranges from the strenous pulling as the teams compete, to the much more tranquil punters gliding up and down the bank. Most people are dressed in the obligatory blazers and ties, lending a genteel air to the proceedings. Later in the day I met a colleague at the famous Remenham Club, and we went through to the Stewards' Enclosure to see a few finishes. I was in the Fawley Bar when the rain struck, and weathered the downpour with far too many beers. England in the summer...

Went sailing on Saturday after which I went with the rest of the crew to this rather nice pub by the riverside. The Butt and Oyster is at Pin Mill (on the banks of the River Orwell). Very pleasant place for a few pints of Tolleys which is brewed in the vicinity, and I believe they serve excellent food, though I have not tried it! Relaxing on the river bank, pint mug in hand, life could be worse!

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Take a look at the Pub Guide while you're in the neighbourhood!

Last Week

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